
Since I was very young, I've always been interested in soccer. It is my favorite sport by far, as I have been influenced by many friends and my dad to play the sport. I was around 8 when I really got into the sport and started playing for teams. I played for the Natick travel team for four years but I haven't really kept up with soccer in freshman year. I may pick it up again in sophomore year and play for the Bays team or maybe a club team. Otherwise for all the time I've played soccer I've enjoyed it and love the sport. I am excited to watch the 2014 World Cup and rooting on the Netherlands.

Other than soccer I also enjoy archery and basketball. Archery is mainly a hobby, as something I do on my free time for fun. I don't think I am really good, so doing archery competitively would not be my favorite thing. I have my own bow and arrows, and I practice on targets in my backyard when I'm bored or just want to practice. As for basketball, it's a sport I like to play but not on a team. It's more for fun, like when I am playing with my friends.


